Customer Review on how he uses the LG Hanger and his results
Thank you again for the hanger, it really is awesome and I honestly doubt I would’ve gained without it as I’ve tried so many methods for length and really given them time.
Here’s my blurb about my routine and the LG hanger that I’ll be posting soon –
I’ve been using the LG for about 7 and a half months now.
Two years ago I got into PE, I tried a little bout of a manual routine one and a half years prior to this from penis advantage with no success.
When I started again I used a few techniques by themselves, extending every day, progressed to bib hanging, ADS’s combined with things, to jelq only routine to working with Big Al with a manual routine. I even tried pge1 but found the gains temporary and only gains in girth, starting at 6 inch girth I don’t won’t any more girth yet, only length.
I didn’t gain anything.
I stumbled upon the LG hanger late last summer and ordered straight away.
I knew about vac hangers and this hanger sounded extremely promising.
The amount of knowledge I’ve attained from reading this past two years about many different techniques regarding manuals, hanging, pumping, jelqing ect ect is beyond normal, I’ve spent most of my time reading and gaining knowledge as I work part time when I choose to (I have a good life 😉 ).
So come November – I started hanging again but with the LG and over a fulcrum (my problem gaining length seems to lay in the bucks fascia/septum/steel cord… Has a few names).
I gained a tiny bit and was over the moon, I had a gain at least! Mid Jan I started hanging straight out and over the leg using bungee cords combined with a squat stand and a thick fire poker so I could lay down and relax whilst the bungee connected to the squat stand and pulled me straight out.
The fire poker goes through one of the holes you use to raise the stands height and the cords attached to it on the handle curled end of the poker so they can’t slip off.
I gained a tiny bit again and then stalled for awhile.
I continued but should’ve upped the tension more.
This went on for a few months.
Recently I gained twice again, I put the edge of the squat stand under my couch and lay in front of it which gives me a straight up position using the bungee cords. Twist to diagonally and it gives me over the hip.
It seems I gain a little and then need to change angles.
So I switch between straight out/over the leg to straight up/over the hip, I do a 20 min set of fulcrum hanging at the end of the straight out/straight up sets all the time, then I proceed to manual fulcrums over a 2.5 diameter pot, (just upped to a 2.75 pot) this stretch is Mem’s stretch from thunders if anyone’s read that thread. I do 8-10 1 min stretches of these.
I dry jelq for 20 slow reps at the start and the 30 slow reps when I’m all done.
I do this Monday to Friday, I do have time to hang everyday, and I did, but I actually found that I didn’t gain if I didn’t rest!
I don’t use an ADS either as I see no point, my unit it quite strong naturally and I need the same amount of force from a normal session to keep any progress going throughout the day.
I didn’t gain using an ADS with hanging.
Sometimes I do an extra mem stretch session at night time (I hang after I eat in the morning).
Usually only about x10 1 min stretches. Then 30 more dry jelqs.
I’m a hard gained with length but I haven’t given up, and I won’t, I didn’t gain for 1 and a half years, so to all you beginners, perseverance pays off, you need to find what works for you, that’s including rest days, some have rest days, some don’t, both gain, you need to know which one you are!
So far with the LG I’ve gained 3/4 inch BPFSL and about 1/2 (maybe more, was a softish erection, as I only go on progress on my BPFSL post session) erect in 7 months. I have a steel dick remember though!
If it wasn’t for the LG I would still not of gained possibly as there’s not a hanger out there like this one!… Yea I got most of the common devices too!
If anyone wants pics of my hanging setup I’ll take some.
The bungee cords are calibrated using a tape measure – check out some of Monty’s threads about bungee cord hanging on thunders, it’s where I got the idea from
So thanks Foldus and take Dr Ric, both are great men to the knowledge they give out and the hanger they’ve produced.
The customer service is extremely fast and very helpful, both guys answer and both give helpful advice with the hanger or any other advice you need.
Thanks again guys 🙂
(name withheld for privacy)